Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Character sketch: Maruk

Maruk. The main character of the novel. Maruk is a man who comes from the repressed lower class most men come from in the world. He has 'liberated' himself in some fashion by becoming an assassin for a figure only known as the Driver. He hunts down and kills targets supplied by the Driver. By doing so he believes he will help bring down the oppressive system the Royal control.

The Driver saw something in Maruk that made him special, something that makes him uniquely talented for his work. Maruk is damaged in his own way, and struggles to feel real emotions, or any sort of emotion, deeply. This makes him a natural at killing people, since he can do so without remorse.

Maruk likes to fight with concealed spring-loaded wristblades. He is also highly socially adept, but everything he does is not genuine. He is a chameleon, adapting to survive but not very assertive of his own core personality.  

However, for all his dispassion, Maruk is an idealist. He dreams of a better world, where people are treated equally, a place where life makes more sense.

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