Friday, February 4, 2011

Character sketch: Daina

Daina is an Enforcer. She keeps rule and law in Narsis, and captures and punishes those who disobey. She has been trained for combat all her life, but showed a flair for investigative work that quickly moved her up the ranks. Daina believes in the current system, not that it is perfect, but that it is necessary in a very harsh world. She has attained wealth and respect despite being only a C-Class in purity. Daina believes in hard work and dedication to achieve her goals.

Daina has a husband and son, both which she has a close relationship with. She loves her family dearly and would die for them in an instant. Daina has the ability to compartmentalize, keeping the sometimes brutal life of an Enforcer separate from her family life. For her, keeping her family safe and the city stable, is worth the trauma of some of the things she needs to do in the line of duty. She is often faced with complex moral decisions, but she tries to navigate them as responsibly as possible, all the while keeping in mind the big picture and the greater good.

Daina is set to hunt down and 'process' Maruk for the injustice he has done. If she doesn't, both she and her family could suffer. Not only that, but Maruk has done the unacceptable, by killing someone with so much power and connections he has defied the system and all it stands for.

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