Thursday, February 3, 2011

Character sketch: Varis

Varis was born in a unique position of power in the society of Narsis. A blood purity well above even A class, Varis has legal authority over the vast majority of people that live in the city, and wields a potentially staggering amount of power. As an adolescent, Varis feels very isolated. Everyone she interacts with either resents her or serves her mindlessly, and the ability to create a human connection with anyone is difficult.

Varis carries with her a natural naive innocence, compounded by the fact that she has had wealth and service at her fingertips all her life. While her mother is a ruthless and savvy political figure their relationship is strained at best due to Varsis's high blood purity.

While Varis is physically not as powerful as most other women, she has a formidable talent for manipulating Gathari, and as as such is potentially very deadly.

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