Friday, February 4, 2011

Part 4: Writing from this morning. Beating up writer's block.

I was completely blocked today with zero inspiration. I still wrote, yeah! Yeah everything I wrote so far will need serious reworking, editing and rewriting. But getting it on the page is a whole lot better than nothing at all. Also, I need to end my love affair with adverbs. Adverbs...bad..must kill!


Shit, there was going to be a ton of paperwork.

The body of Lydia Savar lay at my feet. Her eyes gaping open at the sky. The murder of a B-class was serious business, and the Savar were part of the Royal. Unless this was sorted out quickly, there was going to be pressure from big girls at the top. I briefly rubbed my temples, this growing headache wasn’t helping. Someone was going to the mines for this, and I had to make sure it wasn’t someone who didn’t deserve it.

The corpse was relatively fresh, maybe a few hours, if that. Thanks to the recent heavy rain, a lot of evidence had washed away. I waved my hand to the Enforcers gathered in the alley.
“Spread out and seal access to the area. Look for anything useful.”
I bent down, carefully examining the neck. The poor woman had died quickly, her jugular and carotid severed. The angles of the two cuts were jagged at an upward angle. It looked like the assailant was much shorter than Lydia. Possibly a man, but unlikely given the strength of the cuts. This murder had taken place during the curfew cycle. What was Lydia doing out so late, and how did the assailant know about it? Whatever this was, there was planning involved.

Still on my haunches, I moved over and lifted her right foot. There was obvious scarring of the metal underside, and a few tiny streaks of blood. I smiled, Lydia fought back. I knew from her file Lydia had an ex-Enforcer background. She had never forgotten her training. Losing one of our own gave me a bad feeling. None of the women here were going to relax until we’d found the bastard that done this.

I took a small vial out of my jacket pocket, scraping some of the blood off her boot with my pocketknife. With a planned B-Class murder, getting the Oracles to take a look at this might be possible. It raised the stakes even higher though. There needed to be a result from this investigation.
Sharifa,” said one of my squad mates, addressing me by my title, “I think I’ve found something, take a look.”
I walked over, grabbing the torn piece of fabric from her gloved hand. I took a careful look at it, holding the fabric up to the electric light. A sheen of green glinted. With a tremble of anticipation I recognized it.

This was Enforcer issue gear, and the green weave designated it as part of the Vem family. There could be no coincidence; this was too deep in Savar territory for that. Vem… new money, new power. This could be a rogue or something planned by the entire family. Putting the piece of fabric in my pocket, I held my head up to the endless drizzle, feeling the spots against my face. I broke into a smile. I had plenty of leads, and lots of questions to ask, but whoever killed this woman, I’d find them. That was certain.

This case just got interesting.

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