Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I started writing last night

I've decided to dedicate my spare time to writing. My current aim is to get my first book published. I just started last night, but I'm going to be writing every day, and updating what I write on this blog.

My name is Richard West. I'm twenty four and I've always loved books, fantasy, writing, myth and science fiction. I work in a bookstore, which is kind of cool. I am currently studying Drama and English, without much of a purpose to my life besides getting a job and focusing on interesting stuff in my spare time. That used to be computer games, but I feel that's become a creative hole I throw all my energy into. I think by throwing all my energy into writing I'll get something out of it, something tangible. This writing is in the end, for myself, I'm not trying to make money. But if a few people like the material (especially the edited, polished final copy) that would be great.

Its a world well established in my mind. Narsis. I had a very detailed dream/nightmare about it and it sort of grew in my mind after that, like cancer. The details of the world and how it works are very clear in my mind. What I need to do now is create a story that can actually interest people and also explain enough of my world that it intrigues, but not that it confuses them completely or feels over-explained/overwrought.I have a bad habit I think, of over-describing things and overwriting. I  also need to be less 'on the nose'.

Some woman in Narsis might look a bit like this.

I will share with you what I write on a daily basis. No matter how bad or good it is I will pound my way through the story and just force myself to write, not that I don't love writing, but sometimes you hit walls.

I'm not trying to be famous or anything, but I do want to improve as a writer. So feel free to say whatever you want about it, you can be as nasty or nice as you want. I'll talk about my daily difficulties in writing, and what I am learning and discovering as I go along.  

If you have any requests of any kind of what you want me to add to the blog you are welcome. I'm a pretty open-minded guy, and am willing to try out any strange and wonderful idea you might have. I also have a camera, but no naked pictures! 

This photo captures the feeling of the city Narsis.

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